This is for the Mini Jam 165: Paint, I thought I would test myself after 5 weeks of game dev and see how much I have improved and learnt. This was a challenge, I wanted to add more but just didn't have the time, didn't realize how long this would take me.

You are a mustache wielding painter with a paintball gun that has to take down and oncoming wave of haunted paint supplies. Defeat the final boss to win.


LeftMouseButton - Shoot

Dodge is out of your control, you dodge every 4 seconds. You can take advantage of it but be careful, if you are not prepared it may catapult you into the enemy.

PS. Sorry I didnt upload a web version, I broke some things towards the end but luckily build a windows version before doing changes. I now wish I had made a git backup and built a webgl.

EDIT- I HIGHLY recommend you play/ download the windows version but I was able to last minute redo the settings for the WEBGL but I didn't have enough time to balance the game (I couldn't remember the settings from the windows version) so the player experience will be much worse playing in browser, again I'm sorry. I've learnt my lesson.

All feedback would be appreciated :)


Download 34 MB


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Here is mys Review of the game, it is only me personal opinion : 

Cons :

  •  The fact that  the character is auto-dashing when you have the energy bar filled is very frustrating beceaus you do not have control over that and you come in situations you just wanna move but it dash instantaly and make you hit enemies while you didn't want this
  • When beating the boss it was hard to identify all the projectiles as they were of different colors, my eyes could identify them all and i felt like being hitted without being able to see them overcome. in bullet hell/vempire survivor game often bullets are of the same color,i think it should have been done this way, Also (maybe its me or my screen) but it was hard to identify the yellow bullet from the backgroun unit color
  • The music doesn't restart after dying 
  • Miss background art to make it prettyer, but i know it's hard to make art when you're not an artist :)
  • there is a moment othere can be a lot of enemies and make it impossible to dodge them, maybe using level design elements of power ups to dodge them would have helped here

Pros :

  • Juicy effect with little particles and enjoyable diverse SFX ! I really liked the enemy dying SFX haha
  • The choice of the music were pretty good for the type of game
  • In overall it is fun and there is a lot of enemy to kill and even a boss !
  • Shooting system is simple but clear and does properly what we want

Anyway, i think you really got better here comparing to your precedent game, you were even able to make a little boss and that's nice !
I did more focus on "cons" to propose solutions that may help you to get better at developing games, but at the end i pretty enjoyed the game and i think you can be proud of what you made here :)

Very fun! The number of enemies is a little overwhelming, but besides that its great!

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing and I hope you were able to rate it! I'm glad you had fun whilst playing it.
Yeah I did want to add a wave system where the enemies gradually grow in size but I didn't have the time to change it. So the enemies continuously spawned every couple of seconds. They each had 3 health so towards the end it was a bit overwhelming and if you weren't careful, you could get trapped in a corner.