Mini Jame Game #33 

Thought I'd try my first game jam after 3 weeks of learning game dev. Unfortunately things came up which prevented me from spending the whole weekend working on the game. I wish I had more time to spend on this idea, I really wanted to add a bullet hell level at the end and make you "face your fears" which you are running from.


WASD - Move


RMB - USE GLASSES (Use the glasses to see the invisible platforms and hazards)


Tilemap - 

Szadi Art:


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I'd love your feedback, I've only been learning unity and gave dev for 3 weeks. All feedback would be helpful and grateful.
Poor planning from me by signing up this weekend with everything else I have going on. If I had more time I would have added more UI, items to pickup and a Start and End screen. Next time I'll do better and ensure I have time to put into the project. Thank you for taking the time to play my little game.

I would love to give you some feedback but the game is not launching for me...
I will try again later on another device